Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Everything you want to know about Obesity

Obesity is a type of disease in which a person starts to gain excessive body weight. Obesity is a type of health condition which not only harms the self-esteem of a person but also has a huge impact on the well-being of the person. Do you know why? The answer is simple, when unnecessary fat starts to get accumulated in the body, then the body function get affected greatly. Along with obesity one can suffer from breathlessness, asthma, the chances of having a heart attack also increases and much more. If you want to get yourself checked from the doctor, then there are many experienced Gynecologist’s clinic in Long Beach whom you can consult.

What causes obesity?

In most of cases, common cause of obesity is genetic. However, some other reasons are metabolism, inappropriate eating habits and hormonal changes in the body. If you want to ensure that you are not suffering from obesity, then you can visit your nearest doctor for Obstetrics and Gynecology Services. In some cases Gynecologist can also check you for the same.

Symptoms of Obesity

If the BMI of a person is more than 30, the he or she is said to be suffering from obesity. The person suffering from obesity is said to sweat a lot, snore while sleeping, etc.

Things to keep in mind if you have obesity

If you are suffering from this health condition, then you should keep a check on the food you consume, make sure that you exercise; you should visit your doctor regularly. Keep reading our blogs for more such information.

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